I have a report that exports to excel. On the report i have a variable called 'NetLoss' which is of type Decimal and when there is a negative value then i want to show the value in parenthesis in Excel. For example NetLoss := -5000, i want to show it in excel as (5000) without the negative sign. No matter what i do when it goes to excel it just shows it as -5000, i tried '('+format(Netloss)+'), also i tried DELCHR function to remove the negative sign and no luck and then in MakeDataexcelbody i have
Addcolumn(Netloss,' ',true,true,false).
Does anyone know what can be done to make it work such that it shows (5000).
The first one: all values change the sign (vice versa)
The second one: always positive.
Decide yourself.
TxtValue := '( ' + FORMAT(ABS(<NegativeDecimalValue>)) + ')';
and put the TxtValue in the cell. This will work.
Note: Please copy/paste the code because, the space here '( ' after the ( character is not a blank space.
Hope this helps.
I copied and pasted your code and it shows in excel as -5000 and it you just put it as '('+format(Netloss)+') it shows it as (-5000) and shows the - sign.
NumberFormat 0,00;(0,00) works too!