Is it possible, that hotcopy can get a database to crash

Kent_Tranberg_PedersenKent_Tranberg_Pedersen Member Posts: 2
A customer is running a 35 GB database in a 3.70 C/Side using 2.01b objects including manufacturing and a lot of customizations. There is up to 200 concurrent users in 4 different companies. Approximately 80 % of the database space is used.

The database is spread at 7 database parts on 7 different disk systems.

Twice in a week the customer has experienced two breakdowns while a hotcopy has been performed. The hotcopy is performed in the afternoon, while a lot of transactions is been issued to the database by the users.

Is it possible, that hotcopy combined with a lot of insert and update transactions can force the crash of the database. Is it possible that the insert and update transactions and the version principle of the database can fill up the database in a way, that can leave the database corrupt?

Kind regards,


  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    My suggestion:

    Use SQL Server! Much better Backup Process, plus much better concurrent user handling.

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
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