Hi everyone

Well, as said in the title I would like to fill a cell with a record only if this cell is in the first line of the current page.
Here's the context:
In this report I have to list all the item bought in a given period, with Invoice No, quantity, price, Vendor, Date...and so on.
Of course many item can belong to a same Invoice, or a same vendor. That'as why The direction would like something like that :
date quantity price InvoiceNo
date quantity price
date quantity price
So, the Invoice No has to appear only one time per item, and it's the same thing for 3 others columns.
This is ok, but, if the report is on several pages it can happen that item of a same invoice are on 2 différent pages, and the Invoice No appears only on the first page, so, the second page begin with some empty cells.
That's why I would like that this Invoice No appears also in the first row of a page, even if the previous row belongs to the same Invoice.
I don't know if I was really clear in my explanations, so don't hesitate if you need some precisions.
Thanks for help,
I would do something like below:
what do you think?
It works as expected... More or Less...
Actually, these columns aren't print only one time per page:
They can be print print many time by pages. But I have some expression in the celles that allow to not make them appears at every line, regarding some fields on the previous line. But I would like that even if these expressions are right, the columns be printed if it's the first line of a page.
I not really aware about group, I began in Navision about one years ago and don't really have formation, so group are still un bit obscure^^ Is there a way to do what I want this way?
I will look at this while waiting answers