Nav 2013 Installation Error

KaviKavi Member Posts: 45
edited 2012-12-15 in NAV Three Tier
Hi All

When i am trying to install Developer installation of NAV 2013 Beta i am getting the below error.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Build 33451
Error Report
Language Module (en-IN) for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Fatal error during installation.

Service 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server [DynamicsNAV70]' (MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$DynamicsNAV70) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.

If anyone has knowledge to resolve this error let me know.. Thanks in advance

With Regards


  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    Is any other NAV version installed already?

    Is NetTcpPortSharing service running?
  • KaviKavi Member Posts: 45
    No, uninstalled the prevoius version

    then installed the Nav 2013 beta version
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Check Event Log for more info about why the service was not started. It could be e.g. just because you do not have connection to active directory, you have no active nework connection during the start etc.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • Dan77Dan77 Member Posts: 17

    were you able to solve your problem?

    I have a similar issue with language pack and also saying the account I am using is not a farm admin in Sharepoint, which he defo is.

    Thanks and best regards,

  • gdiazgdiaz Member Posts: 6
    Hi All,

    I'm also getting the same error. Please help....
    Attached the error report for your perusal.

    Thanks in advance for all the help.
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    If previous version is installed in your system them stop the previous version service and manually start NAV2013 service and try..

    You can change the port no. in administration window to open both versions at a time..
  • julkifli33julkifli33 Member Posts: 1,092
    try not to use port no 7046
    or stop the service that user port 7046
  • chaossurferchaossurfer Member Posts: 6
    I get exact the same error.
    There is no other service use port: 7046

    It is a "clean" Windows 7 64 Prof. System

    SQL Server 2008r2 Express other Preconditions installed.

    Looking for support :-)

  • Daniel86Daniel86 Member Posts: 13
    I have the same error...but no workaround yet...has anybody a solution or workaround for me?
  • Peter_Wibeck_[MSFT]Peter_Wibeck_[MSFT] Member, Microsoft Employee Posts: 78
    What user have you setup for the server to run as? Does that user have all needed rights? Any information in the event log about why i can't start?
    “This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.”

    Peter Wibeck
    Software Development Engineer in Test
    Dynamics NAV Server and Installer team
  • CaponeCapone Member Posts: 125

    I get the same error during install "..Service 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server [DynamicsNAV70]' (MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$DynamicsNAV70) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services..."

    When I try to run the dynamics NAV service manually I get something like (roughly translated) "Couldnt start Service X, Error 1068 Can't start the depending service or group"

    When I look at settings for the service I can see that it have the dependency "http". Which service is this ?

    I tried to workaround it and delete the dependency from the regedit but it still gave the same error message.
    Hello IT, have you tried to turn it off and on?
    Have you checked the cables?
    Have you released the filters?
  • gerdhuebnergerdhuebner Member Posts: 155
    The problem seems to be in connection with the default service account "Network Service". I changed it to another Windows account (which I previously created for SQL-Server service) and the installation worked without any error.
  • CaponeCapone Member Posts: 125

    That did the trick, cheers!
    Hello IT, have you tried to turn it off and on?
    Have you checked the cables?
    Have you released the filters?
  • vcarluervcarluer Member Posts: 15
    When I had this error it was because the server (2012) was in a Windows workgroup (and not AD Domain) which prevents to run the NetLogon Service for Network Service account which is then a mandatory dependancy for Microsoft Dynamics 70 Windows service.
    Changing NAV service account to an administrator one works (maybe because it does not trigger NetLogon dependancy).
  • udayrmerudayrmer Member Posts: 171
    Hi All,

    Unlike NAV 2009, In NAV 2013 we can not set user rights using classic client that means we got stuck if we had installed NAV 2013 with some other account, from the domain account with which we are running NAV.

    I had the same Problem, solution as Below, by Inserting the User setup record for the user with Following SQL Query

    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_CreateUser] Script Date: 12/15/2012 15:21:30 ******/
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[usp_CreateUser]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_CreateUser]

    USE [BaseNAV-7]

    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_CreateUser] Script Date: 12/15/2012 15:21:30 ******/


    -- =============================================
    -- Author: <Author,,Name>
    -- Create date: <Create Date,,>
    -- Description: <Description,,>
    -- =============================================
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_CreateUser]

    @USERNAME nvarchar(50)
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.

    DECLARE @USERSID uniqueidentifier, @WINDOWSSID nvarchar(119)

    --SET @USERNAME = 'MSPL\uday.mer'


    --SET @WINDOWSSID = 'S-1-5-21-1731400737-1210121009-699449552-1106'

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[User]

    ([User Security ID],[User Name],[Full Name],[State],[Expiry Date],

    [Windows Security ID],[Change Password],[License Type])


    (@USERSID,@USERNAME,'',0,'1753-01-01 00:00:00.000',@WINDOWSSID,0,0)

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[User Property]

    ([User Security ID],[Password],[Name Identifier],[Authentication Key],[WebServices Key],[WebServices Key Expiry Date])


    (@USERSID,'','','','','1753-01-01 00:00:00.000')

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Access Control]

    ([User Security ID],[Role ID],[Company Name])




    Uday Mer | MS Dynamics NAV Techno-Functional Consultant
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