Hello everybody,
I'm consuming a webservice with the SOAP PHP extension as in Freddy's blog
I have an error when the length of the filter is over 2370 characters with ReadMultiple:
Uncaught SoapFault exception: [a:Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Types.Exceptions.NavCSideException] The specification of the filter on the Customer table is too long (4012 bytes). It can take up a maximum of 4000 bytes.
or when is over 2500 characters:
Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [a:Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Types.Exceptions.NavFilterException] The filter '*69263|61278|60104|60109|61246|61261|69263|61278|60104|60109|6124669263|61278|60104|60109|61246|61261|692...
I really need to set such a filter in a special situation as getting data sets from NAV(our current ERP) which are in a special context in our older ERP system.
How can I encrease the length of the filter specification?
Thank you for your help in advance
I don't have the experience in order to work with temp tables in Navision, I'm really at the begin.
What I do is to chunk my filter and merge the data from a ReadMultiple loop. It works in this special case where I have to get the filter string from another erp system.
It's possible too