Anybody saw the new licensing changes for nav 2013. It looks like there are two user types Full and limited. And the limited user has restriction on writes to 3 tables, excluding gl. if you are posting to gl you need full license user. Light User is gone but if you upgrade it turns into limited user. And limited user is twice as expensive as light users. There is no info if you purchased the unlimited external users. So if you have an interface with website you need full user license. The tables are expensive as always. ... g.htm?p=13
This is going to suck.
But in MicrosoftDynamicsPerpetualTransitionUpgradePolicy20120711_5.pdf appendix A, there is something more complex for transforming the light users to concurrent users (Microsoft Confidential document, I cannot quote this part).
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Just as my technical explanations are dudada for my customers. This license stuff is dudada to me :oops: . I read some of the documents from your link. Could you specify the document name where I can find this?
Am I correct in my conclusion (at this time) that if a new customer at this moment starts using NAV 2009 en has a BREP they cannot easily upgrade to 2013... There license first will have to be converted to a 2013 license which can result in extra payment to use the same functionality. (Im really guessing now..)
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I guess customers should be light users now which will turn to full users!!!!
There is still open question about external connector that customers have bought.
Also since webservice is making multiple connection how does the licesing work for this?
Additional info is, that since last pricelist update, you can buy only Light user - Upgrade, which will be transfered to something else than Light user, you have bought before the change (previous one will be transformed to full user, this new - upgrade will be transformed with more complex rules). It is preventing current customers to buy Light Users now to have full users in future for lower price. It could not be done now...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Hopefully they'll resolve the external connector issue, but I doubt it.
Well that depends on what they do. If they are doing postings then "Limited User" may not apply