Item cost adjustment

DejiDeji Member Posts: 5
edited 2012-07-16 in NAV Three Tier
Has anyone come across this in Nav 6.0R2
Cost of goods sold was adjusted through the ajust Cost - Item entries batch job. the problem is that the original sales document had a posting date of 15/05/2012 and an adjustment entry was created by the system with the same document no. but with a later posting date of 28/06/12.

Pls what can be the cause of this?


  • udayrmerudayrmer Member Posts: 171
    Sure it must be following reason,

    If item which you are selling is production item, then one of its component reevaluated, so yours sold its also affected and its' COGS changed.

    If it is purchased item then it is, revaluation of this item affected.
    Uday Mer | MS Dynamics NAV Techno-Functional Consultant
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    If it's a purchase item, it could be that the invoice came after the sale. What costing method do you have?
    It could be also that you assigned freight charges. It's very easy to fin out how the Sales entry is applied against it. Find the inbound Item ledger entry and take a look.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • DejiDeji Member Posts: 5
    @ Udaymer, it is purchased item. and the purchase invoice was posted earlier but it has been revalued.

    @Rashed.. the purchase invoice has a posting date earlier than the sales document

    Thanks Guys
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    You changed the Allow Posting From on the General Ledger Setup. If the adjustment date is prior to the transaction date allowed by the Allow Posting From date, then it will use the current date as the posting date.
  • udayrmerudayrmer Member Posts: 171

    If the item has been reevaluated so revaluation entry is there.

    May i know what is your purpose behind revaluation ?
    Uday Mer | MS Dynamics NAV Techno-Functional Consultant
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