F5 List Function

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

Hopefully this is a very simple question - I have created a new table with a card style form and a list style form and all I want to do is to be able to press F5 on the card form to bring up the list form for the user to pick another record from the list - same as what happens for customers, vendors, items etc.

I've set the lookupform and drilldownform properties of the table object but don't know what else I need to set or whether I need to add code (don't think so).

Any help appreciated,



  • SteveOSteveO Member Posts: 164
    Hi Jonathan,

    Have you made a button on the card form with a shortcutkey of F5 and PushAction = LookUpTable?
    This isn't a signature, I type this at the bottom of every message
  • Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552
    Have now!

    Thanks very much.

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