Hi everyone,
I have to use the following function:
The DateFilter parameter's type is Text and its max length is 30.
Now, the filter I have to use is the following:
SETFILTER("Period Start",'>=%1',DMY2DATE(1,1,(DATE2DWY(TODAY,3)-1)));
How should I pass that to the function????
I am really new to C/AL code and I didn't do a lot of practice so I usually get confused when it's about writing code :oops: :oops:
Any help would be most welcome...
I tried to introduce the DateFilter parameter this way:
but I got the following error message:
What should I do???
TempDate := DMY2DATE(1,1,(DATE2DWY(TODAY,3)-1));
then pass
This shud work..
Actually, it didn't work
I even tried : where TextDate is a variable of type Text and then passed it to the function....
The result is the following error:
What can I do???
And I passed DateFilter to the function....It works
Thank you Chinmoy, you've been of a great help
please mark the post as solved.