we want to call a function in a dll file. we have to pass 26 parameters to the function. when we try to the call the function, the error what we get is "Reduce the Expression so it is less complex". what could be the problem? Do we have any limitation on the number of parameters we pass to a function in Navision? can it be solved?
- The number of parameters to a function call is about ?25? (as you have discovered)
- The number of replaceable parameters in a MESSAGE/ERROR/STRSUBSTNO format string (%1..%n) is about ?10?
- Recursive calls are limited to a depth of about ?20?...
Note that these numbers are 'tribal knowledge' and are likely to be wrong. They probably change over time as new C/SIDE versions are released. They may be based on some deeper limit -- ? stack size ? -- so the number may actually depend on the size/type of arguments.Rule of thumb: Code with abandon until you run into a limit -- then tear your hair out figuring how to avoid it...!
Just wanted to update the post in case this helps someone else.
Note: Nav 4.0 (no service packs)
I have problem in 3.60, having 15 parameters on one function. Ofcourse, (by murphy's low) I need that 16th parameter but cannot set it cause of this "less complex" error.