Send to the serial port by Mscomm32.ocx (MSComm Control)?

pitt95pitt95 Member Posts: 8
1) Try to send a string from NAV2009R2 to the customer's DVR (the serial port 2) directly by using Mscomm32.ocx, but nothing can be output to the customer’s DVR.

Name DataType Subtype Length
ComControl OCX Microsoft Communications Control, version 6.0
vOutputString1 Text 1024

<Control1101239002> - OnPush()
vOutputString1 := 'SOR00001';
ComControl.CommPort := 2;
ComControl.Settings := '9600,N,8,1';
ComControl.InputMode := 0;
ComControl.InputLen :=0;
ComControl.PortOpen := TRUE;
ComControl.Output := vOutputString1;
ComControl.PortOpen := FALSE;

2) However, if I run the following commands in DOS firstly and then click the button in NAV, the string can be output to the DVR successfully.
C:\> mode com2: baud=9600 parity=n data=8 stop=1
C:\> copy C:\test\myfile.txt com2

For example,

myfile.txt includes two lines as following

The customer DVR’s screen shows:

It seems that some settings are not enabled in NAV and DOS command can active them.
Does anyone have any ideas?


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    For communicating with COM ports I created own Automation around Serial Port class in .NET. It is much better, it is working even with terminal services and mapped ports.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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