
Error while transforming a form to a page

poppinspoppins Member Posts: 647
edited 2012-07-03 in NAV Three Tier
Hi everyone,

I am trying to transform a form into a page using the TIF tool under nav 2009 R2....
I followed the steps in the link below:


The problem is that the Pages.xml file is not generated and I find the following message in the log file:
Error: Form 60210: Clean Properties.....
Error: Form 60210: './/a:Properties[./a:SourceExpr='"Date Minimum d'Obtention"']' has an invalid token.
Error: Schema: \ApplicationObjects.xsd
Error: Form -2: The validation for file:///C:/Documents and Settings/afk/Bureau/Formation/Dynamics.NAV60R2.FR.1097337.DVD/TransformationTool/ApplicationObjects.xsd.tmp.xml failed. Detailed Information: LineNumber=5, LinePosition=8
Error: Form -2: The element 'Properties' in namespace 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects' has invalid child element 'Width' in namespace 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects'. List of possible elements expected: 'TimerUpdate, Permissions, LinksAllowed, Editable, DataCaptionExpr, PageType, DataCaptionFields, PopulateAllFields, CardFormID, RefreshOnActivate, CaptionML, Description, InstructionalTextML, SaveValues' in namespace 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects'.
Error: Some input file can’t be validated by schema. Please, correct it and rerun tool again

How can I correct it???


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    poppinspoppins Member Posts: 647
    Just wondering, does the error have any relation with the quote (Date Minimum d'Obtention) in the SourceExpr???

    In fact, I had many similar error while transforming my forms to pages...and each time there was a quote in the SourceExpr....
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