NAVISION 4.0 Setting up Business Analytics Databases

tizianocoluccitizianocolucci Member Posts: 5
Hi everybody!

I can’t configure a BA database...

Opening the BA Databases window and filling in the fields on a line, the system put me in the “Path to Configurator” field, asking to browse the .exe file that triggers the configurator.

But I don’t know what file is it!

Would please anybody help me about it?

Thank you all, and have a great day!




Ciao a tutti!

Non riesco ad impostare un db di Analisi Business.

Quando cerco di avviare il configuratore, il sistema mi chiede il “Percorso Configuratore” richiedendomi di importare un file .exe di cui non conosco il nome.

Qualcuno può gentilmente fornirmi dei chiarimenti in merito?

Grazie a tutti, e ciao!



  • kakkassmkakkassm Member Posts: 12
    You need to download the BAConfigurator.exe in order to execute the BA Database at this address :

  • DEDEDEDE Member Posts: 15
    The mentioned address is an older version of Business Analytics. You are referring to the 4.0 version soon to be released - this version is currently only available as a Beta (worldwide).

    The executable that you need to set up in the Path to Configurator part of Navision 4.0 needs to be installed separately - from the BA CD / download image. The Business Analytics Basic installation will install the configurator executable.

    To obtain the Beta you need to contact an MBS representative.
  • DafkeDafke Member Posts: 12
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