We have to give in Intrastat reports in Germany (having a permanent establishment), we have the important parts of the German localisation like here the Report 11014, version NAVDACH6.00 merged nicely in our database.
However we are not sure what to do with the file once it is exported. We can upload it to the Statistikamt website, but they seem to have a different IDEV file format, for example the records do not start with "22" like the Navision file format.
Is this outdated and there is a newer version of this report? Or we are trying to upload it in the wrong place? Generally where is that governmental specification this development is an implementation of? German-language sources are also OK.
11 and 22 as starting characters are correct. Did you name the files correct? They must be
CompanyInfo."Purch. Authorized No." + ".ASC"
CompanyInfo."Sales Authorized No." + ".ASC"
Here you can do a Testupload:
FD Consulting