I have generated a chart where on X-Axis, I have months like January 2011, February 2012, March 2012 etc., and on the Y-Axis I have total sales amount for that month.
The table from where I get data has following structure.
No. Month Sales
1 Jan 2011 $10,000
2 Feb 2011 $5,000
3 Apr 2011 $9,000
Now when I generate a chart, it shows following way.
10| x
| x
Apr 2011 Feb 2011 Jan 2011
Here, as you can see X-Axis values are sorted ascending. Instead, I want to sort it in the periodic way.
i.e. Jan 2011...Feb 2011...Apr 2011 etc.
Can you please help me solving it?
In NAV 2009 R2 charts with a discrete axis always sort the strings alphabetically.
In NAV 2013 we have switched off the default sorting, in order to allow using a discrete axis inorder to allow situation where the sorting in the table is important, like for custom data axis rendering.
Christian Abeln
Program Manager Microsoft
Dynamics NAV
You're right my friend. The table contains the Dates as strings, as I have to show them in X-axis in <Month Text> <Year,4> format. I hope we get more control over Chart customization in NAV 2013. Btw, when is NAV 2013 going to be released?
Thanks for your post.