Color Style disables after moving to next line

txerifftxeriff Member Posts: 514
edited 2012-06-15 in NAV Three Tier
Hi all,

Well, I have a small trouble here.

This used to work in classic client.

When the user enters a unit price below certain value it must show some fields (description, no..) in red and turn normal if its equal or higher. This seems not working properly in RTC, when I change the sales line to another the red is gone until i put the focus back in that line.

I used, of course, variables for styleexpr includedInDataset.

Any Ideas?


I found the way to fix it, a currpage.update(false) on modify did it.




  • henrikmhenrikm Member, Microsoft Employee Posts: 66
    I suppose you are talking about NAV 2009 R2?

    The style does not always get reflected. E.g. if you change Style in the validate trigger the grid is not updated - only when you activate the line (as it is re-rendered using different controls). Thus your work-a-round to use CurrPage.Update is likely the only way you can get this to work as you expect it to.

    Do you have a (simple) sample page of your exact challenge? I would like to make sure I have fully understood when and what.

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    Henrik Metzger, Software Development Engineer, Dynamics NAV
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