Anybody usefull tips on the following RDLC issue.
I have these requirements (an abstract from the original requirements so it fits NAV standard):
1) I need to list all Sales Orders (dataitem 1)
2) with all its sales lines and (dataitem 2)
3) all its comment lines (dataitem 3)
It seems quite straight forward: I create a
List data regin and dropped three
Table regions, but I am blocked as I cannot get the colums titles of the comment lines shown. Here you can find the report that should comply with these requirements:
Droping requirement 2 shows everything OK and this is the report:
Dropping requirement 3 also shows everything OK. This is the report:
a) all three reports have a simple classic layout needed to define the dataset and also easy to use as reference print-out.
b) to be able to see comment lines (in CRONUS) on the reports 88889 and 88890, you'll need to create some of them.
I am not able to add the report code here so sent the object to your mail..
Please try..
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Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
i took a short look @ your report, but i couldn't try it for a chain of bad luck (no time, new client, no license, no visual web developer etc...).
I think the problem is about the dataset:
when you link dataitems like you did (perfectly correct, there's no reason to do it in another way), nav stripes down the first two dataitems and after finishing with the sales lines, nav will go on with the comments (i don't exactly remember how is the dataset generated, but i'm sure you can check it by yourself in a blink of an eye
the problem is that you do a "=First(fields!mycommentcaption.Value)"...and what is the value of the first occurrence of your comment line? a big blank, because the first line in the dataset is about sales header+sales line (your sales comment lables have not been fetched yet).
Please confirm me that i'm correct. If so, i'll try to remember how did i solve it
Just two dirty ideas:
A. you can try with a dummy dataitem for saleslines with indent 0
- create a record variable on comment lines
- put textboxes in the sales header section in classic client and assign them the sourceexpression mycommenttable.fieldcaption(myfield)
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"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
MVP - Dynamics NAV
in this case, your result will be
althought luc probably wants
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
I am working on the input I did get from you and also Steven Renders. Will get back soon (I hope
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
It all works now. Thanx to you all.
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community