Hi there everyone, I face a little problem with doing something in a specific way.
In Navision 4.0, suppose we have a Table that distinguishes records with a boolean flag "Paid".
This functionality can be seen in Cheque Table 17060.
In the LookupFormID property of this table we give the value= Cheque List.
There are 2 Card forms linked to this table, "Cheque" that shows UNPAID Cheques & "Paid Cheque"
that would show header & line records that have the Paid boolean = TRUE.
These 2 forms have properties:
SourceTable = Cheque
SourceTableView = WHERE(Paid=CONST(Yes/ [or No accordingly]))
We want to see a list of those header records with F5.
When we are inside the Unpaid Card, the List F5 button shows only UNPAID Cheques,
and when inside the Paid Card, the F5 shows Paid Cheques.
I believe this happens because Navision understands that I'm inside a form that shows filtered records,
and when I want to see a list, it shows me a list of THOSE FILTERED records, and NOT ALL Cheques.
My problem is this: I CAN'T do the same thing in NAV2009.
When I put the very same functionality on similar NAV2009 forms, the List button in both forms shows me ONLY UNPAID header records.
I've tested the above functionality that worked in 4.0 in some new forms of mine in NAV2009, and it just DOESN'T work the way it used to.
This is very weird! Does anybody know if this is a bug or deliberately Microsoft has changed this functionality in NAV2009 to NOT work as it used in 4.0??????
I'm aware that the functionality in NAV2009 in Cheques has changed, (I've seen that new forms are added there) but this is not the issue I'm talking about.
I just want to know if something that could be done in a specific way in 4.0 can't be done in NAV2009, and WHY does this happen.
Thank you in advance
I tried to do it exactly the way 4.0 does it, so I put in both
forms' Menu Button the Item:
caption:List shortcut:F5 action:LookUpTable
I didn't want to do it with RunObject, because it's a whole different thing.
The Table as I said, has a LookupFormID = Cheque List,
and so without any other code, I get the List form filtered accordingly
Do you know why I can't do the same in NAV2009?
KCP Consultores
The problem is fixed.
I had put in the Unpaid List Form property SourceTableView -> WHERE(Paid=CONST(No))
which caused the problem. Every time I opened this List from the Paid Card, it showed me only Unpaid records.
I completely removed that WHERE code and now it works, each time filtering accordingly to what comes from the Header record.
But there's a bug there, as I examine it more carefully:
If I do it this way, (eg. with only 1 List Form that filters Header records accordingly to the Paid flag)
using the push action = LookUpTable on both forms,
the Card (Shift+F5) menu item on the Paid List form is NOT working properly.
It doesn't show the selected card record.
I've noticed this too in 4.0 Paid Cheques List
Anyway, we'll keep going with this bug. :roll: