Intercompany Dimensions in V4.0

FionaFiona Member Posts: 4

I am using the new intercompany facility in Version 4.0. I have set up everything, IC COA, IC Dimensions, IC Partners etc. I have posted transactions not involving dimensions and it worked like a dream.

My question is, when you need to post transactions involving dimensions in your company and dimensions in the IC Partner, where do you specify the IC Dimensions for that transaction in the IC General Journal? ](*,)

Please help.


  • mstraubmstraub Member Posts: 25
    As you can map the chart of account, you can map your dimensions with the dimensions of the IC partner.

    Financial Management, Setup, Intercompany Postings, Dimensions.

    You can import the dimensions of the IC partner and map the dimensions with you own.
  • FionaFiona Member Posts: 4
    I've already done all the settings. I'm looking for the IC Dimensions within the General Journal and it seems there isn't. You can only define the IC Account.
  • wonghoitanwonghoitan Member Posts: 6
    Intercompany Dimensions should be set in

    Financial Management --> Setup --> Intercompany Posting --> IC Dimension

    You should first use "Copy from the Dimensions" under the function button

    Then, highlight all of the dimension codes and use "Map to Dim. with same code" under the function button.

    Do the same in both the mother and subsidiary company.

    Hope things work fine.
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