Record Link

mcrooksmcrooks Member Posts: 11
I have a custom Card form (eg. Form 50000) that is linked to a custom table (eg. table 50000). On the form I set the "Links Allowed" property to Yes so that I can use the record link with the form. However, when I click the then the paper clip icon for the Record Link, the Record Link form does not launch. Has anyone experienced this?


  • ajageaviajageavi Member Posts: 15
    By default property of "LinksAllowed" = True,
    just check for Table 2000000068 with user role and permission
    Nav & LS Retail Technical Consultant
    Ajageavi Nath Keshari
  • mcrooksmcrooks Member Posts: 11
    The user has permission to that table. I am able to use the link with the stazndard table (Customers, Vendors, Sales Orders etc)
  • jspoppjspopp Member Posts: 54
    Hi, are you trying to do something like the Comment button located on the Vendor or Customer card? If so, you'll need to add code to the RunObject property like Form 50000 and then add code to the RunFormLink property on the Command button. Something like Table Name=CONST(Customer),No.=FIELD(No.) would work. Hope this helps you out
  • davmac1davmac1 Member Posts: 1,283
    I just tested adding a custom form and the paper clip link works fine.
    The default form setting is for links allowed for forms.
    You are running a current version of NAV?
    The links were added in NAV 5.0
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