I have created a report with Request Page, on the Request Page,
there are 1 Option field called Type with OptionString: Import,Export
and 3 boolean fields called Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3
When user select Export from the Type, I would like to set the 3 boolean fields to invisible.
I have set the Visible property of the 3 boolean fields with a variable called HideIt. And set HideIt property IncludeInDataset to Yes.
On the Type - OnValidate trigger and OnOpenPage, the HideIt value will be assigned according to Type selection by the user.
But still the Request Page is not refreshed and remain the same when Type is changed

. Is there anything missed out here? Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thank you.
Did you try by making it editalbe and non editable?
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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Thanks for your suggestion, it does grey-out if i set it at Enabled. But just wondering how does the mechanism behind work that it able to grey-out with Enabled property but not able to hide the text box and label with Visible property?
Hi Mohana,
Thanks for your reply. I directly created the report with a request page.
what is not visible when opening page, is not retrieved by the client (e.g. page based webservices can only "see" VISIBLE fields). Managing the visibility property dynamically after the page is open enforce nav to make additional roundtrips between client and server, thus degrading performance (incremented network traffic).
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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