Credit and Re-invoice Job transactions

wlgnleswlgnles Member Posts: 4
With the version 5.0 Job changes you could no longer use Copy Document to credit and re-invoice against a Job. (Actually you initially could but they turned it off pretty quickly once they realised it broke things

I have a client who does a lot of crediting and re-invoicing of Job transactions. At the moment the way they do this is by using the “Transfer to Planning Lines” function from the Job Ledger, then switching the quantities to negative, editing the Descriptions and creating new Credit Memo’s – then doing it again for the re-invoicing. From what I can gather this is the "standard" way of doing things (e.g. see viewtopic.php?t=39027) - but this is not ideal as they do it quite a lot and have to edit the descriptions as well.

Does anyone have a nice solution to credit/re-invoice against Jobs that handles all the Job Planning Lines connections?
Nikolai L'Estrange
Dynamics NAV Solution Consultant


  • gerrykistlergerrykistler Member Posts: 149
    The best thing would be to make a new function which would take the entries selected and populates a Job Journal with the negative of each line and a positive of each line. They would then make whatever edits they needed to in the Job Journal, post. Next back to the Planning Lines - Create Sales Credit Memo, selcting the negative lines, next Create Sales Invoice.

    Or you could do this during Copy Document for the Credit Memo at least, and for the Credit Memo you could maybe post the journal lines for them. If they dont credit everything or re-invoice everything then you would need a link between the sales lines and the job journal lines so if they delete the job jounral line would be deleted also, or an edit of the quantity or price change the job journal. Then when they post you can look for linked job journal lines and post those first, or let them control posting the job journal, in any event you would need to right back the planning line links to the sales line.
    Gerry Kistler
    KCP Consultores
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