How to calculate previous months first date and last date?

Aravindh_NavisionAravindh_Navision Member Posts: 258
Hi Pals,

How to calculate previous months first date and last date using the Date Filter given in report? For Eg.: While running a report, I am giving the Date Filter as 01/04/12..30/04/12. Using GETRANGEMIN, GETRANGEMAX function, I am storing the Start Date and End Date in 2 variables.

My aim is to get the previous month's Start date and End Date. That is: I need to get march month's Start Date as 01/03/12 and End Date 31/03/12. Am aware this is something to do with CALCDATE function, but what is the formula? How can I achieve this?

Thanks in advance.

Aravindh R.


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