Hi there,
I've been trying to sort out this issue, but it's been impossible to find out with my little experience in Nav. ;(
Firstly, I've created a Sales shipment with this posting date 01/01/2012, in this sales shipment there is just a line of a g/l account.
Secondly, I've create the invoice (of the previous sales shipment) but with different posting date 01/02/2012.
From the Posting Sales Invoice how can i get Sales Shipment?? Because i haven't find out any relation betwean them when there are g/l accounts in the lines.
I've got it just when i'm posting lines with items, of this way:
ValueEntry.SETRANGE("Item No.",InvLine."No.");
ValueEntry.SETRANGE("Document Line No.",InvLine."Line No.");
ValueEntry.SETRANGE("Document No.",InvLine."Document No.");
ValueEntry.SETRANGE("Document Type",ValueEntry."Document Type"::"Sales Invoice");
IF ItemLedgEntry.GET(ValueEntry."Item Ledger Entry No.") THEN BEGIN
SalesShipNo := ItemLedgEntry."Document No.";
SalesShiPostDate := ItemLedgEntry."Posting Date"; //This date is what a need for my client!!
Do you know how to help me with this issue???
Thank you.
Please more advices #-o #-o #-o #-o
I can't get the Posted Purchase Receipt from the Posted purchase invoice, when i'm posting g/l account.
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Because the relation between Receipt and Invoice is not one to one (in case of partial). Usually Order No. (or additional field) is used to link them both.
Just a happy frood who knows where his towel is
And in the codeunit 90 in the transferfields, these fields automatically will be fill up, if i use the same numeration for this new fields than in the "Purchase line", because these two fields exist in the "Purchase line".
\:D/ \:D/ \:D/