Can you please comment on the below design on NAV installation:
My server locations are mentioned as below
machine1 has SAN (contains storage of databases)
machine2 has DB server and Application server
machine4 has client
All the locations are in domain, whever I connect from machine4 through RTC or check for services, this works fine.
There is change in design, Application server is moved to another machine
machine-1 has SAN
machine-2 has DB server
machine-3 has Application server
machine-4 has client
Can anyone tell me, if this design has any issues
The Dynamics server is also limited to 4 GB (32 bit) of memory, needs CPU that it would take from SQL server (depends how much CPU's the machine has).
And if you have a lot of users, it might be necessary to have another Dynamics server and divide the users between the 2 (or more) Dynamics servers.
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I am seperating both SQL and DB server, but I have come across a design where the databases are residing on the third machine.
Please check this
Machine 1 - contains the storage
Machine 2 -SQL server <databases are stored in Machine1>
Machine 3 -Application server
Machine 4 - Client
My concern is, if I install NAV DB server component in machine 2 and NAV server in machine 3, will there be any issues for client<machine 4> as database is residing on machine1
There are 4 databases, so will be running multiple instances on machine 3 for connecting to these databases from client through RTC
will this design have any issues?
With the DB fysically on M1 and SQL server on M2, for NAV it is not a problem as NAV sees only SQL Server and doesn't care where SQL puts the DB's.
BTW: something that escaped me before: the application server in reality is the NAS and is a "(classic) client without GUI". The NAS works completely independent from the clients (classic or RTC).
For the RTC, you need the Dynamics server. The processing is NOT done in the RTC, but on the Dynamics Server.
You will need a Dynamics NAV server for each database.
This setup does not have any problems, at least if you define the spn's correctly.
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