Filter works on table but not on form (sales invoice header)

ben5000ben5000 Member Posts: 110
Hi experts,

I'm facing a quite strange issue in that when I filter the sales invoice header table (on the primary key field) on the list and card form,
the filter does not seem to be applied (no FILTER mention in the status bar at bottom right of the form).

But when I filter the primary key ("No.") directly on the table it does work.

Any help would be welcome :)

ps: the problem happens on every sales-invoice-header-based forms


  • ChinmoyChinmoy Member Posts: 359
    Do you have any customizations on these forms? I confirm that, this does not happen in the base objects..

  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    standard BE db,form 132 (version NAVW16.00.10):

    Form - OnAfterGetRecord()

    Is standard that filters on "Sales Invoice Header"."No." are wiped when the system GET's the record.
    However, in the list the No. filter should work. (form 143)
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  • ChinmoyChinmoy Member Posts: 359
    It is same with me, on the form 132, if I remove the SETRANGE("No.") from OnAfterGetRecord everything is fine, else the filter does not seem to work. However, form 143 is quite ok here.
  • ben5000ben5000 Member Posts: 110
    Thanks for your replies :)

    Same for me except that it didn't work as expected on the list form. I exported the form as .txt and did some search on "SETRANGE('No.');" and found out that a guy had put such code in the onFormat trigger of a custom field ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

    Solved anyway thanks for your help guys ! :)
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