Hi All,
I need some suggestion about calculate plan thing in NAV 2009 R1.
This is the situation :
1. I have create production order for finished good A
- component B qty: 1
- component C, qty: 1
- Component D, qty: 1
In inventory location BLUE, quantity available in BLUE
B: 0
C: 2

The problem is when we run 'calculate plan' in released production order for location BLUE, the system suggests component C and D to be transferred or purchased, and B does not appear. By right, C and D should not appear because there are sufficient stock, and B should appear.
Is there explanation for this? or settings that we need to look for? we do not any re-order policy in item card, or replenishment.
Please advise
thank you
check the item card for C and D and check the reordering policy i found out that this drives everything so you are going to need to start using it unless someone has another suggestion.. .. I found out that fixed reorder sometimes doesn't do what you need it to do.. Might help if you switch to Lot-for-Lot and have a min order qty and set the cycle to be 1M .. Also check to see what you have in the Flexible planning column.. sometimes changing it to none instead of unlimited might get rid of the requirements.. not sure if this is on the Production order or on the planning sheet.