Update SubForm

elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191

i have here trouble with Update a Form.

I Have a Form with a subform.
In Form Header i Have to important Fields:
Code and Subname.

The Data in Header cames from Table1, where i Have Primary Key on Field Code. The Subname Field has FieldClass FlowFilter in Table1. In Table2 exists Primary Key: "Code,Subname".

Then i Have a subform that looks me Entries in Table3 what have Key: "Code,Subname,LineNo".

In SubForm Propertys i have follow SubFormLink:

(In Table Filter i have put ValueIsFilter)

When i get Next Record my subform updates correctly, it seems me all entries with the Selected Code in Form Header.

If i put data in Subname Field , it updates too correctly my subform, but only if Data in Table3 exists that have Key: "Code,Subname".

If They no exists records with "Code,Subname" then Navision it Brekas me out with an error that Record does not exists.

So i would Reset the Filter with the Subname, so that it not end with an error, but i don't know in what trigger or the location where i can put the code for does correctly this, i have tried with an Function that checks me with the actual Data (Code and Subname) if Record Exists in Table3, when NOT Find a Record, then must Reset Filter for Subname.

Then i have tried, without SubFormLink, and have tried with :
CURRFORM.SUBFORM.UPDATE(); But it says me that message like: SubForms are no permitted to update.

Very dificulty my english ... #-o

I Hope you can help me anyway.



  • philippegirodphilippegirod Member Posts: 191
    Pfffooo ! Let's see if I've understood....
    You have 3 tables and 1 form (with a subform)
    On table one the primary key is Code and you have a flowfield (lookup) based on Table 2,
    On Table 3 you have entries linked to the header by Code field....

    Two problems apprently :
    1/ If your subname field on table 1 is a flowfield, you need to calculate it... and you shouldn't have a subformlink through that field...
    2/ The usual subform link is not :
    but :

    Now question is.... how can you have a flowfield for the Table 1 Subname field if the primary key on Table 2 is Code,Subname ?
    Is it really a "Flowfield" or it is a Table relation ? In that case, you should'nt have any more problem....
    My candle burns by both ends, it will not last the night,
    But oh my foes and oh my friends, it gives a lovely light
  • elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191
    In Table1 Propertys of "Code" i have FlowFilter and Table Relation
    ("Table2".Subname WHERE (Code=FIELD(Code))

    In Table1 ist Key: "Code"
    In Table2 is Key for: "Code,Subname"
    In Table3 is Key for "Code,Subname,LineNo"

    Then i have One Form wich is based on Table1
    In this Form i have the Field "Subname" such as Filter (when i pressed it, appears a Form wich List me the avaibles Subnames for each Code)
    In this Form always i have a Subform wich is based on Table3.

    And every time i change Subname or Code the Subform must show/update entries.

    This works nice, if Records exists where the Filter is aplicable,

    For example:
    I Have 3 Records in Table1:

    in Table2 I have:
    Code1, Subname1
    Code1, Subname2
    Code1, Subname3
    Code2, Subname1

    in Table3 i have:

    I RUn my form and it starts with first record (Code1) , the subform displays me nothing, because no entry exists with Code1 and Subname=''.

    Well, i choose Subname='Subname1', then SubForm displays me follow records:

    Now when i go to the next record from Table1, the Filter for Subname is placed, and subForm displays me imediately follow entries:

    But now if i go to the Record (from table1) with Code='Code3'
    Then Applications Breaks Out with an error and say me that no exists Record in Table 3 with Code='Code3', Subname='Subname1'

    And this is what i would prevent, when this occurs i would reset filter or would give out an error that no recors exists, after this error navision close the form and exit to Menü, this is silly...

    I Hope is better explained now

  • philippegirodphilippegirod Member Posts: 191
    In Table1 Propertys of "Code" i have FlowFilter and Table Relation
    ("Table2".Subname WHERE (Code=FIELD(Code))
    Are you sure ? It seams impossible to have a Flowfilter on a primary key....
    My candle burns by both ends, it will not last the night,
    But oh my foes and oh my friends, it gives a lovely light
  • elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191
    In Table1 Propertys of "Code" i have FlowFilter and Table Relation
    ("Table2".Subname WHERE (Code=FIELD(Code))
    Are you sure ? It seams impossible to have a Flowfilter on a primary key....


    In Table1 follow Fields:
    "Code", "Subname"
    Code has DatayType Code and is Primary Key.
    Subname has Dataype Code and has FieldClass Filter.
    "Code" Is Only primary Key.

    In Table2 are Fields:
    "Code" as DataType Code
    and Subname as DataType Code.
    Primary Key in Table2 is: "Code,Subname"
  • philippegirodphilippegirod Member Posts: 191
    Have you tried a Currform.UPDATE; on the form, field Subnam, OnAfterValidate trigger ?
    My candle burns by both ends, it will not last the night,
    But oh my foes and oh my friends, it gives a lovely light
  • elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191
    Have you tried a Currform.UPDATE; on the form, field Subnam, OnAfterValidate trigger ?

    Yes i have tried yet this, but it doesn't work ...


    Now i have init another way for solution my problem perhaps it is better , but i have too problems to realised it , and i have hedache now #-o

    I have now One Form, i would make 2 fields with Lookups, in first field i want choose my Code from Table1, in second Lookup must be a filter so that i only can view subnames with the same Code selected , then when selected Subname it must Update TableBox....

    I Have now my own 2 fields, and the first lists me my codes from table 1, but in second field i don't check how i must set the Filter, everytime it lists me all subnames for all codes...

    So i go along intend to finish this (with machine gun?) :^o

    Thanks ..
  • philippegirodphilippegirod Member Posts: 191
    And what about a simple variable (text for instance) and, in the form, for this field, you link it to your Table 2 with a TableRelation. If you are in the forum today 2 march 2005 (german time ;-)) i stay in the pulp chat, we can disccus that...
    My candle burns by both ends, it will not last the night,
    But oh my foes and oh my friends, it gives a lovely light
  • elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191

    =D> =D>
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