
Filtering "User Role" based on user ID web service

KosheKoshe Member Posts: 37
edited 2012-04-27 in NAV Three Tier
let's say we have a table:
1. Item No. [PK]
2. User Role
3. User ID {this was is needed to apply the filter. It's always blank}
sample data:
Item1 Super
Item2 Super
Item3 Whse
could you gave me an idea, how to filter data on the page that is published as a web service supplying only user ID? Currently on the web service calling side i'm trying the following:
userFilter.Field = QCTestGroupList_Fields.User_ID;
userFilter.Criteria = "ABC";
ReadMultiple(filter.ToArray(), null, 100);
and on triggers OnFindRecord and OnNextRecord I'm checking which roles does the user has.
When calling the web service there is no filters OnOpenPage and triggers OnFindRecord and OnNextRecord aren't fired at all.

I'll be waiting for any ideas ](*,)
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