Sales Invoice Additional Currency difference amount

srafeaaa2srafeaaa2 Member Posts: 6

My base LCY is USD and I have mapped Additional Reporting CUrrency as INR. After posting the sales invoice, when I navigate all the G/L A/c have been posted correctly and it also correctly converts to my Additional Currency based on the Currency Exchange Rate.

But my problem is my Inventory A/c and COGS A/c with Source Code consists of 'INVTPCOST' where my Local currency USD is 0 but my Add. Currency which Was in INR has been converted with some amount. I also checked with the Currency setup where I have assigned 0.01 is 'Amount Rounding Precision'

My problem is when the local currency has 0 amount, how the system is converting it with some anount. Kindly assist me.

Thanks in advance.

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