I am trying to run NAS on windowXP professional.
I intalled NAS as service for navision SQL version. When I start the NAS I get following message on the event viewer. Can any body help me with this I have all valid licenses.
Your program license does not permit more users to work simultaneously.
Wait until another user has quit the program.
Contact your system manager if you want to allow more simultaneous users on your system.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Thanks in advance
Lava Kumar
No service could be started with start up parameter NASSQL
I am assigning NASSQL as start up parameter in NASMSnapin console
thank you very much again, if you can give me some idea on this new error message
Lava Kumar
Recommended reading: Installation & System Management: Microsoft Business Solutions–Navision Application Server ('w1w1atas.pdf' on the Product CD).
There's an article floating around here somewhere (search this forum on NAS and maybe MSMQ) that will walk you through an example of how to make NAS work with codeunit 1. Also, read the "w1w1atas.pdf" document on your product cd.