Hi Frnz,
I want to apply two different chalan made with two different RPO(Release Production Order) in one subcontracting order.
I made a RPO for some Raw Material (In bulk quantity) and one RPO for Other Material and then made challan and when i made sub contracting order i want to use both for this but nav doesn't allow this. If we Apply any how it doesn't reduce the quantity we consume
with this Sub contracting order.
PLZ Help me How can i do this Functionaly or Technicaly.
Sharad Gupta
Navision Technical Consultant & .Net Developer
How did you applied two challan for a subcon order? and even if you did it then you will have to check code where system doing update the remaining quantity field of delivery challan line(i suppose in cu 90).
I aplly two Challan made with same RPO But I want to apply challan made by different RPO's.
Navision Technical Consultant & .Net Developer
I can't understand your Language Plz reply in English.
Navision Technical Consultant & .Net Developer