Picture in check footer

dashenk23dashenk23 Member Posts: 40
Okay, it should not be difficult to display a picture in a report footer...done it tons of times! For some reason I cannot get one to show up in the check report footer (trying to display a signature stored on the Bank). When I create a separate report to test, it works fine...what could possibly be the issue? ](*,)


  • thmartinthmartin Member Posts: 90
    Just a guess. You might have forgotten to use CALCFIELDS.

    Thomas Martin
    NAV Developer
  • dashenk23dashenk23 Member Posts: 40
    Already have the Calcfields...it should be so simple! Worked just fine in a test report I created, doesn't like the Check report...
  • vijay_gvijay_g Member Posts: 884
    Identify the exact point, may be a little but better way to find it import this report in test db and comment couple of lines(those have not allow to preview) so that you could preview it and find the exact point that why signature not getting printed.
  • dashenk23dashenk23 Member Posts: 40
    Thanks all...I found my problem...I delcared my variable BankAcct for my pictures...but was using BankAcc in my Picture Box <smacking forehead> :)
  • vijay_gvijay_g Member Posts: 884
    Your welcome..!!!
    vijay_g wrote:
    Identify the exact point, may be a little :)
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