automation Varibles

toshitaporitoshitapori Member Posts: 52
Hi All,
Can anyone tell me something about automation varibales and how to use them in navision .I am just a novice and just started navision programming and have never used automation varibales before in any other programming language.
thanx a lot
toshi tapori


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Automations are external libraries which provides many functionality for other applications. They are developed mainly for use in Visual Basic etc. but can be used (with some restrictions) in Navision too. If you define the variable of type Automation, you must select which library to use and which class from this library. Some automation library provides some events (triggers in navision) and these events can be used in Navision too. For example some OnTimer event....

    For example of using Automations see table Excel Bufffer....
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • toshitaporitoshitapori Member Posts: 52
    Hi Kine,
    Many Thanks .
    You always give me a direction to go for

    Toshi Tapori
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