OBJECT Report 10049 Cust./Item Stat. by Salespers. { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=07/07/10; Time=[ 3:36:51 PM]; Modified=Yes; Version List=NAVUS3.70; } PROPERTIES { CaptionML=[ENU=Cust./Item Stat. by Salespers.; ESM=Estad. cliente/prod. por vendedor; FRC=Statistiques articles/client par repr‚sentant; ENC=Cust./Item Stat. by Salespers.]; TopMargin=200; BottomMargin=200; LeftMargin=200; OnPreReport=BEGIN CompanyInformation.GET; FilterString := "Salesperson/Purchaser".GETFILTERS; FilterString2 := Customer.GETFILTERS; FilterString3 := "Value Entry".GETFILTERS; CASE SalespersonToUse OF SalespersonToUse::"Assigned To Customer": SalespersonString := Text002; SalespersonToUse::"Assigned To Sales Order": SalespersonString := Text003; ELSE ERROR(Text001); END; END; } DATAITEMS { { PROPERTIES { DataItemTable=Table13; DataItemTableView=SORTING(Code); PrintOnlyIfDetail=Yes; ReqFilterHeadingML=[ENU=Salesperson; ESM=Vendedor; FRC=Repr‚sentant; ENC=Salesperson]; OnPreDataItem=BEGIN CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Sales Amount (Actual)",Profit,"Value Entry"."Discount Amount"); END; OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN CurrReport.NEWPAGEPERRECORD := OnlyOnePerPage; END; ReqFilterFields=Code,Name; } SECTIONS { { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Header; PrintOnEveryPage=Yes; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=1692; } CONTROLS { { 1001;Label ;0 ;0 ;7500 ;423 ;FontSize=8; FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=[ENU=Customer/Item Statistics by Salesperson; ESM=Estad¡sticas cliente/producto por vendedor; FRC=Statistiques client/article par repr‚sentant; ENC=Customer/Item Statistics by Salesperson] } { 1002;TextBox ;14850;0 ;2100 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Right; SourceExpr=FORMAT(TODAY,0,4) } { 1003;TextBox ;17100;0 ;1050 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Right; SourceExpr=TIME; Format=<Hours12>:<Minutes,2> <AM/PM> } { 1004;TextBox ;0 ;423 ;7500 ;423 ;SourceExpr=CompanyInformation.Name } { 1005;Label ;16950;423 ;750 ;423 ;ParentControl=1006; HorzAlign=Right } { 1006;TextBox ;17700;423 ;450 ;423 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Page; ESM=P gina; FRC=Page; ENC=Page]; SourceExpr=CurrReport.PAGENO } { 1007;TextBox ;16650;846 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Right; SourceExpr=USERID } } } { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Header; PrintOnEveryPage=Yes; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=423; OnPreSection=BEGIN CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT((CurrReport.PAGENO = 1) AND (FilterString <> '')); END; } CONTROLS { { 9 ;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;18150;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Salesperson/Purchaser".TABLECAPTION + ': ' + FilterString } } } { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Header; PrintOnEveryPage=Yes; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=423; OnPreSection=BEGIN CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT((CurrReport.PAGENO = 1) AND (FilterString2 <> '')); END; } CONTROLS { { 10 ;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;18150;423 ;SourceExpr=Customer.TABLECAPTION + ': ' + FilterString2 } } } { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Header; PrintOnEveryPage=Yes; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=423; OnPreSection=BEGIN CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT((CurrReport.PAGENO = 1) AND (FilterString3 <> '')); END; } CONTROLS { { 11 ;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;18150;423 ;SourceExpr="Value Entry".TABLECAPTION + ': ' + FilterString3 } } } { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Header; PrintOnEveryPage=Yes; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=846; OnPreSection=BEGIN CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(CurrReport.PAGENO = 1); END; } CONTROLS { { 1020000;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;18150;423 ;SourceExpr=SalespersonString } } } { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Header; PrintOnEveryPage=Yes; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=1692; } CONTROLS { { 12 ;Label ;0 ;0 ;1650 ;423 ;ParentControl=27; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes } { 13 ;Label ;3000 ;0 ;4500 ;423 ;ParentControl=28; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes } { 15 ;Label ;300 ;423 ;1650 ;423 ;ParentControl=34; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes } { 16 ;Label ;3300 ;423 ;4500 ;423 ;ParentControl=35; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes } { 17 ;Label ;14400;423 ;1500 ;846 ;ParentControl=49; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Price } { 20 ;Label ;6150 ;846 ;2250 ;423 ;ParentControl=46; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes } { 21 ;Label ;8550 ;846 ;3750 ;423 ;ParentControl=47; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes } { 22 ;Label ;12750;423 ;1050 ;846 ;ParentControl=48; HorzAlign=Right; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes } { 23 ;Label ;16050;423 ;1800 ;846 ;ParentControl=50; HorzAlign=Right; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes } { 1000000000;Label ;450 ;846 ;1650 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Date } { 1000000003;Label ;3450 ;846 ;2550 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Document Number } } } { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Body; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=423; } CONTROLS { { 27 ;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left; FontSize=8; FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=[ENU=Salesperson; ESM=Vendedor; FRC=Repr‚sentant; ENC=Salesperson]; SourceExpr=Code } { 28 ;TextBox ;3000 ;0 ;4500 ;423 ;FontSize=8; FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=[ENU=Salesperson Name; ESM=Nombre vendedor; FRC=Nom du repr‚sentant; ENC=Salesperson Name]; SourceExpr=Name } } } { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Footer; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=1269; OnPreSection=BEGIN "CalculateProfit%"; END; } CONTROLS { { 29 ;TextBox ;15150;423 ;2700 ;423 ;FontSize=8; FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Sales Amount (Actual)" } { 33 ;Label ;3000 ;423 ;6600 ;423 ;FontSize=8; FontBold=Yes; PadChar=.; CaptionML=[ENU=Report Totals; ESM=Informe totales; FRC=Rapport des totaux; ENC=Report Totals] } } } } } { PROPERTIES { DataItemIndent=1; DataItemTable=Table18; DataItemTableView=SORTING(Salesperson Code,No.); PrintOnlyIfDetail=Yes; OnPreDataItem=BEGIN CASE SalespersonToUse OF SalespersonToUse::"Assigned To Customer": BEGIN SETCURRENTKEY("Salesperson Code","No."); SETRANGE("Salesperson Code","Salesperson/Purchaser".Code); END; SalespersonToUse::"Assigned To Sales Order": BEGIN SETCURRENTKEY("No."); SETRANGE("Salesperson Code"); END; END; CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Sales Amount (Actual)",Profit,"Value Entry"."Discount Amount"); END; ReqFilterFields=No.,Search Name; } SECTIONS { { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Body; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=1269; } CONTROLS { { 34 ;TextBox ;300 ;423 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left; CaptionML=[ENU=Customer No.; ESM=N§ cliente; FRC=Nø de client; ENC=Customer No.]; SourceExpr="No." } { 35 ;TextBox ;3300 ;423 ;4500 ;423 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Customer Name; ESM=Nombre cliente; FRC=Nom du client; ENC=Customer Name]; SourceExpr=Name } { 36 ;TextBox ;10050;423 ;2250 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Phone No." } { 37 ;TextBox ;13950;423 ;3750 ;423 ;SourceExpr=Contact } { 38 ;Label ;9000 ;423 ;900 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=[ENU=Phone:; ESM=Tel‚fono:; FRC=T‚l‚phone:; ENC=Phone:] } { 39 ;Label ;12600;423 ;1200 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=[ENU=Contact:; ESM=Contacto:; FRC=Contact :; ENC=Contact:] } { 1000000004;Shape ;0 ;423 ;18000;423 ;BorderColor=255; BorderWidth=1pt } } } { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Footer; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=1692; OnPreSection=BEGIN "CalculateProfit%"; END; } CONTROLS { { 40 ;TextBox ;0 ;423 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left; SourceExpr="Salesperson/Purchaser".Code } { 41 ;TextBox ;15150;423 ;2700 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Sales Amount (Actual)" } { 45 ;Label ;3000 ;423 ;5100 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; PadChar=.; CaptionML=[ENU=Salesperson Totals; ESM=Totales vendedor; FRC=Totaux du repr‚sentant; ENC=Salesperson Totals] } } } } } { PROPERTIES { DataItemIndent=2; DataItemTable=Table5802; DataItemTableView=SORTING(Source Type,Source No.,Item Ledger Entry Type,Item No.,Posting Date) WHERE(Source Type=CONST(Customer), Item Ledger Entry Type=CONST(Sale), Expected Cost=CONST(No)); OnPreDataItem=BEGIN CASE SalespersonToUse OF SalespersonToUse::"Assigned To Customer": SETRANGE("Salespers./Purch. Code"); SalespersonToUse::"Assigned To Sales Order": SETRANGE("Salespers./Purch. Code","Salesperson/Purchaser".Code); END; CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Invoiced Quantity","Sales Amount (Actual)",Profit,"Discount Amount"); END; OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN // Added to show ONLY Items of chosen "Item Category Code" on Options form Item.GET("Value Entry"."Item No."); IF ItemCategoryCode <> '' THEN BEGIN IF Item."Item Category Code" <> ItemCategoryCode THEN CurrReport.SKIP; END; Profit := "Sales Amount (Actual)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"; "Discount Amount" := -"Discount Amount"; END; ReqFilterFields=Item No.,Posting Date,Sales Amount (Actual); GroupTotalFields=Item No.; DataItemLink=Source No.=FIELD(No.), Global Dimension 1 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 1 Filter), Global Dimension 2 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 2 Filter); } SECTIONS { { PROPERTIES { SectionType=GroupFooter; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=423; OnPreSection=BEGIN "CalculateProfit%"; IF NOT Item.GET("Item No.") THEN BEGIN Item.Description := 'Others'; Item."Base Unit of Measure" := ''; END; END; } CONTROLS { { 46 ;TextBox ;6150 ;0 ;2250 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left; CaptionML=[ENU=Item Number; ESM=N§ producto; FRC=Num‚ro d'article; ENC=Item Number]; SourceExpr="Item No." } { 47 ;TextBox ;8550 ;0 ;3600 ;423 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Item Description; ESM=Descripci¢n producto; FRC=Description d'article; ENC=Item Description]; SourceExpr=Item.Description } { 48 ;TextBox ;12750;0 ;1050 ;423 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Quantity; ESM=Cantidad; FRC=Quantit‚; ENC=Quantity]; SourceExpr=-"Invoiced Quantity" } { 49 ;TextBox ;14400;0 ;1500 ;423 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Unit of Measure; ESM=Unidad medida; FRC=Unit‚ de mesure; ENC=Unit of Measure]; SourceExpr=Item."Unit Price" } { 50 ;TextBox ;16050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Amount; ESM=Importe; FRC=Montant; ENC=Amount]; SourceExpr="Sales Amount (Actual)" } { 1000000001;TextBox;450 ;0 ;2250 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left; CaptionML=[ENU=Item Number; ESM=N§ producto; FRC=Num‚ro d'article; ENC=Item Number]; SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Posting Date" } { 1000000002;TextBox;3450 ;0 ;2100 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left; CaptionML=[ENU=Item Number; ESM=N§ producto; FRC=Num‚ro d'article; ENC=Item Number]; SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Document No." } } } { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Footer; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=846; OnPreSection=BEGIN "CalculateProfit%"; END; } CONTROLS { { 54 ;TextBox ;300 ;423 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left; SourceExpr=Customer."No." } { 55 ;TextBox ;16050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Sales Amount (Actual)" } { 59 ;Label ;3300 ;423 ;4800 ;423 ;MultiLine=No; PadChar=.; CaptionML=[ENU=Customer Totals; ESM=Totales cliente; FRC=Totaux du client; ENC=Customer Totals] } } } } } } REQUESTFORM { PROPERTIES { Width=7590; Height=2310; SaveValues=Yes; } CONTROLS { { 2 ;CheckBox ;3410 ;550 ;330 ;440 ;ShowCaption=No; SourceExpr=OnlyOnePerPage } { 3 ;Label ;0 ;550 ;3300 ;440 ;ParentControl=2; CaptionML=[ENU=New Page per Salesperson; ESM=Nueva p g. por vendedor; FRC=Nouvelle page par repr‚sentant; ENC=New Page per Salesperson] } { 1020000;TextBox ;3410 ;0 ;3740 ;440 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Salesperson To Use; ESM=Vendedor que se utilizar ; FRC=Repr‚sentant … utiliser; ENC=Salesperson To Use]; OptionCaptionML=[ENU=Assigned To Customer,Assigned To Sales Order; ESM=Asignado a cliente,Asignado a pedido venta; FRC=Affect‚ … client,Affect‚ … document de vente; ENC=Assigned To Customer,Assigned To Sales Order]; OptionString=Assigned To Customer,Assigned To Sales Order; SourceExpr=SalespersonToUse } { 1020001;Label ;0 ;0 ;3300 ;440 ;ParentControl=1020000 } { 1000000000;Label ;0 ;1100 ;3300 ;440 ;CaptionML=ENU=Item Category Code } { 1000000001;TextBox;3410 ;1100 ;3740 ;440 ;DropDown=No; BlankZero=Yes; SourceExpr=ItemCategoryCode; TableRelation="Item Category".Code } } } CODE { VAR FilterString@1000 : Text[250]; FilterString2@1001 : Text[250]; FilterString3@1002 : Text[250]; Profit@1003 : Decimal; "Profit%"@1004 : Decimal; OnlyOnePerPage@1005 : Boolean; CompanyInformation@1007 : Record 79; SalespersonToUse@1020000 : 'Assigned To Customer,Assigned To Sales Order'; SalespersonString@1020001 : Text[250]; Text001@1020002 : TextConst 'ENU=Invalid option chosen for Salesperson To Use.;ESM=Opci¢n no v lida para Vendedor que se utilizar .;FRC=Option invalide choisie pour le repr‚sentant … utiliser.;ENC=Invalid option chosen for Salesperson To Use.'; Text002@1020003 : TextConst 'ENU=Individual sale shows under the Salesperson assigned to that Customer.;ESM=Cada venta se muestra en el vendedor asignado a ese cliente.;FRC=La vente individuelle s''affiche sous le repr‚sentant attribu‚ … ce client.;ENC=Individual sale shows under the Salesperson assigned to that Customer.'; Text003@1020004 : TextConst 'ENU=Individual sale shows under the Salesperson assigned to that individual Sales Order.;ESM=Cada venta se muestra en el vendedor asignado al correspondiente pedido de venta.;FRC=La vente individuelle s''affiche sous le repr‚sentant attribu‚ … ce document de vente individuel.;ENC=Individual sale shows under the Salesperson assigned to that individual Sales Order.'; Item@1000000000 : Record 27; ItemCategoryCode@1000000001 : Text[90]; PROCEDURE "CalculateProfit%"@1(); BEGIN IF "Value Entry"."Sales Amount (Actual)" <> 0 THEN "Profit%" := ROUND(100 * Profit / "Value Entry"."Sales Amount (Actual)",0.1) ELSE "Profit%" := 0; END; BEGIN END. } }
Lets say I have one invoice # 120321017 posted on 03/21/12 with these items:
When running the report with the date range 03/01/12..03/31/12 only these would show up from the invoice 120321017:
When running the report with the date range 03/21/12 all of these show up:
Normally everything shows up. I have never had this happen before. How do I fix this?
However, is it possible in any way that this field is added to the key later?
In this case the change of the plus minus sign could give this effect.
Wouldn't the key need to be set implicitly for it to affect the output? It isn't set anywhere in the report itself that I can see.
This report has always worked very well. The only reason I think this is happening has something to do with the fact that we posted invoices (back-dating) using the WORK DATE in Navision and every invoice posted has the same date for posting date as order date, and document date when they were posted.
In someone's previous reply they mentioned being grouped with something else which I don't think is possible. If I run the same report with a single date then everything with "SALE" in the item number shows up how it is supposed to.
I'm puzzled here. The only thing I can think of is that Navision isn't catching everything it should with the filter on the ITEM tab due to the back posting effecting it somehow.
Now somebody modified this key later for other purposes, then it could look like this: Now when you run the report, the dataitem behaves like it is using the new key, even though the old key is still mentioned in the dataitem properties. Even if you export the object in text format (like above post) the old key is still used there. Only in the case that there is no key at all that starts with the same fields as the one mentioned in the properties, the report will fail.
Although it does not match with your statement that the report always worked very well, i cannot see why this report won't work apart from this reason; all records that match the filter 03/21/12 should match to 03/01/12..03/31/12 as well.
Did you try to add a body section to see what happens?
The problem does seem to be SORTING. Since I want the output from the Value Entry table to show the invoice numbers in order by Posting Date would it work if I added a new key:
Posting Date,Source Type,Source No.,Item Ledger Entry Type,Item No.
Then changed the SORTING to:
I ran a few test reports vs the old version of the report. Guess what? The old version of the report that uses the key with the Posting Date last fails to get all entries per the user entered filter criteria under the Value Entry tab. In other words I enter "*@SALE|A*" under the Value Entry tab whichs filter out our sale items and the old report is missing some of those items that were definitely invoiced and show up if you specify just a single Posting Date rather than a range. The new report with the new key catches every one of the lines and it's much faster.
Why is this the case?
Regarding the speed is that the fields where you filter on just a few unique items should be at the beginning of the key. See this topic as well: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=44264
I see the problem is solved with a new key, but in case you needed the first key for specific view of the report, you could also try to avoid altering the dataitem. To do this, create a global decimal gDecDiscountAmount, and replace with Besides, why is this field "Discount Amount" not on any section? If you don't need it, why (re)calculate it?
See attached image for a view of the keys on my Value Entry table.
I added the last key with the Posting Date first and it fixed my report as I mentioned previously, it makes sense to me that this worked because my filtering criteria was in the following levels: Salesperson->Customer->Value Entry
Salesperson Code specified = Data filtered to Salesperson level
Customer = No filtering so all customers in Data filtered to Salesperson level above (untouched no filtering on Customer)
Value Entry = Data filtered all Customers to Salesperson Assigned and SORTED by my new KEY which the first field is Posting Date of Value Entry
Am I wrong in doing it this way? It works great. Any better way to modify this report?
tonight i did a thorough look at this report, and came to the conlusion that Mohana was right on the grouping. Looks like I got it wrong myself in previous posts...
Let's work this out:
Suppose you have these entries on 03/21/12
item 1233SALE document A
item 1234SALE document A
and an entry on 03/22/12 for item 1234SALE, document B
Now we run this report with both dates in the filter.
Since the (initial) sorting of the report was first Item No. and then Posting Date, AND the grouptotalfield is set to Item No., item 1234SALE will show up only once on the groupfooter, showing a date of 03/22/12, and its corresponding document no (B). Its amount will be the total of 03/21 and 03/22 (more than one document). There is no reporting for item 1234SALE on 03/21/12.
Item 1233SALE will show up once as well, but this time with a correct date.
If you filter this report only on 03/21/12 then of course the corresponding entries will show up, neatly grouped on that one date. (but still showing wrong data if there are more documents on that date!)
To correct this, and to show all entries of one document together, you need to modify the key so that Ddocument No comes before Item No, and also include document no in the GroupTotalFields. To avoid double groupfooters at the end of a document, add this code to the OnPreSection of the groupfooter: It can be assumed that all entries of one document are on the same posting date, so posting date doesn't need to be a grouptotalfield.
There are more fields before Item No. in your first key, but all of them are filtered out on one value (Source Type=Customer, Source No=Customer No, Item Ledger Entry Type=Sale), so these fields are not causing any problems. Actually, for best performance it is best if these fields are kept at the beginning of the key.
Since you are filtering on posting date, the most ideal key in my opinion would be SourceType,SourceNo,ItemLedgerEntryType,PostingDate,DocumentNo,ItemNo