Document Approval For Indent.

rranjanerprranjanerp Member Posts: 70
My client has to use Document approval functionality in Purchase Indent.
After Release --> send for approval request ..
I know indent is not the standard functionality in nav .
How can i use this. At present the functionality of Approve is used ,but not by using Document approval setup. How can i use Document authoriser if not using document approval . or
plz suggest which one will be easier by using document approval or not using.



  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    That you have to discuss with your customer and based on their business requirement you have to give them..
  • rranjanerprranjanerp Member Posts: 70
    Can any one tell me why the P.o is automatically approved & released after i pres send for approval request ? though the approver id is other than user id.
    The code running in Send for approval request is "

    IF ApprovalMgt.SendPurchaseApprovalRequest(Rec) THEN;

    also if i change the approval setup many times than the next eror comes :
    There is no Approval Entry within the filter.

    Filters: Table ID: 38, Document Type: Order, Document No.: PO-00001.

    The error occurs when I try to Send an Approval Request from a Purchase Order.

    in code unit 439 approval management following code running iinside send purchase approval reqest .plz suggest where might be the problem , i m not a programmer.

    WITH PurchaseHeader DO BEGIN
    IF Status <> Status::Open THEN

    IF NOT ApprovalSetup.GET THEN

    IF NOT PurchLinesExist THEN
    ERROR(Text015,FORMAT("Document Type"),"No.");

    TemplateRec.SETCURRENTKEY("Table ID","Document Type",Enabled);
    TemplateRec.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Purchase Header");
    TemplateRec.SETRANGE("Document Type","Document Type");
    IF TemplateRec.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN
    IF TemplateRec."Limit Type" = TemplateRec."Limit Type"::"Credit Limits" THEN BEGIN
    ERROR(STRSUBSTNO(Text025,FORMAT(TemplateRec."Limit Type"),FORMAT("Document Type"),
    IF NOT FindApproverPurchase(PurchaseHeader,ApprovalSetup,TemplateRec) THEN
    UNTIL TemplateRec.NEXT = 0;
    CASE MessageType OF
    MessageType::AutomaticPrePayment:MESSAGE(Text128,PurchaseHeader."Document Type",PurchaseHeader."No.");
    MessageType::AutomaticRelease:MESSAGE(Text003,PurchaseHeader."Document Type",PurchaseHeader."No.");
    MessageType::RequiresApproval: MESSAGE(Text001,"Document Type","No.");
    ERROR(STRSUBSTNO(Text129,PurchaseHeader."Document Type"));
  • rranjanerprranjanerp Member Posts: 70
    Please Note that

    Text003 :%1 %2 has been automatically approved and released.
    Text001 :%1 %2 requires further approval.\\Approval request entries have been created.
    Text128 :%1 %2 has been automatically approved. Status changed to Pending Prepayment.
    Name ConstValue
    Text010 Approver not found.
    Text025 %1 is not a valid limit type for %2 %3.
    Text129 No Approval Templates are enabled for document type %1.

    Please suggest if code is mistaken or i m doing wrong approval setup? also plz confirm does it necessary to make all the user ids as windows login? i m not using any id as windows login.
    m wrking in nav2009R2 with sql server db.
  • sprashanthsprashanth Member Posts: 18
    rranjanerp wrote:
    Please suggest if code is mistaken or i m doing wrong approval setup?

    Please check the Approval Setup, Approval template for PO and approver id in the user setup, if these are properly configured then I recon you shouldn't face much trouble.
    rranjanerp wrote:
    also plz confirm does it necessary to make all the user ids as windows login?

    Windows login login is not mandate for approvals.
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