whether the date printed (posting date) on the item ledger entries and value entries, will always be the same.
they are any several transactions in which the posting date on the value entries are listed but not on the item ledger entries,
thanks for information
Prismayanto Raharjo
If you have a database that contains that kind of item ledger entries, something is seriously wrong.
On the other hand, if you only have a problem Printing the posting date, then the object doing the printing is incorrect.
Anyhow, could you please elaborate your question, remark, comment?
is it possible to date on the posting date of the item ledger entries and value entries can be different. I know, any date that is posted on each transaction should be recorded in item ledger entries and value entries, in the case of a client that I get. there are several transactions in which the entries recorded only on the value and not on item ledger entries
it makes, the cost for different items between the item contained in the valuation and the valuation report card
thanks for the advice provided