I have a problem with the report "Adjust Cost - Item Entries" (I use nav. 5.1 sql) The item have a Costing mhetod = Average;
Inventory setup:
Average Cost Calc. Type = Item
Average Cost Period = day
I Have this scenario:
Entry 1) type "Purchase receipt" Quantity = 10 ; cost per unit = 0,24;
Entry 2) type "Transfer" Quantity = 10;
Entry 3) type "Sales" Quantity = -6;
Entry 4) type "Purchase Invoice" Quantity = 10; cost per unit = 25 (this entry adjust the Purchase Amount (Actual) of the first entry)
I run the report "Adjust Cost - Item Entries", but this don't adjust my entries. I Have an inventory valuation wrong.
Can anyone help me
Thanks in advance