Combine Multiple Companies in same database

SteveSteve Member Posts: 81
edited 2005-02-25 in Navision Financials
We have a client that wants to combine several companies data into one master company to continue business in. They want to retain past data in this master company and continue business within this 1 master company. Any ideas for an easy way to combine these (3) multiple companies into (1) master company? They have at least 1 year of past data in each company.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Navi 2.6 database

Steve #-o


  • StyvieStyvie Member Posts: 77
    The only way I see it working is to migrate all data between the companies, into the new company.

    You will have to handled duplicate Customer / Vendors / Items etc... could be tricky , especially if you use No Series, but it's the only way.

    Then :

    Migrate final master tables into 1 company.

    Post G/L transaction (either in detail, or opening balance) - depending on detail required in new company.

    Post Open Bank, Item , Vendor , Customer balances (Careful with control accounts in the G/L as they contain the detail for the Subledgers).

    Good luck.
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