I'm going to cash in my stupid question for the day
On a Customer Card, is there any purpose why you would want to set the Bill-to Customer No. equal to the same Customer No.?
1. Go to Customer 10000 The Cannon Group PLC
2. Set Bill-to Customer No. equal to 10000
Systems Analyst
NAV 2009 R2 (6.00.34463)
1/ Consistency; they don't want it sometimes filled in and sometimes blank. It is sometimes easier to tell the usert just to fill it in than explain why sometimes it is blank.
2/ Filtering; its easier to filter if the field is filled in, but in some cases the opposite, there is then no way to filter on customers that have bill to = sell to.
3/ Reports; clients may report on this field, in which case it needs to be filled in.
In simple terms, if you don't have a reason to fill it, then leave it blank.
Systems Analyst
NAV 2009 R2 (6.00.34463)