I am unable to find any info on this and desperately need your help! How do you select multiple sales orders at once and archive them? We do not have a developer license, nor the $$ to hire a consultant! I am unable to see the C/AL code without the developer license by the way- which is making this difficult.
Currently I have no knowledge of the system allowing multiple sales orders to be selected and archived at once.
However, if auto-archiving is on, then the sales post-batch can archive multiple sales orders. The downside is that they will be posted in the end.
However, these questions normally should go to your partner. If you can't invest in your ERP, then the partner didn't made it clear how much NAV usually costs.
"The downside is that they will be posted in the end." - what does this mean and if sales orders are posted- what does that mean exactly. Forgive my ignorance please.
Also I am on version 5.0 and I believe Auto-Archive isnt available in this release. If it is, PLEASE tell me where it is lol.
However, the batch post sales is a report that posts (ie: sends shipments and makes invoices) of sales documents.
Why not turn on Code Coverage - archive an order & view the code that was executed.
Perhaps then create some processing report, with the code as an example, to go thru the sales headers.
test in test database!!!
else call your Nav partner as Denster suggests and give them a chance to at least Quote you on a price before saying it's out of the question.
else, start archiving a few each day until your list is gone. Then keep on top of it.
We never archive, I can always Copy Document if I ever need to, let alone archive everything.
Are you sure you need to archive so much?
As I said if you ever need to create a copy of a old SO you can Copy Doc a Posted Invoice.
If you never call upon your archived docs then I guess you're just filling database space.
Then how do you charge your customers?
I assume when you enter an order - you then pick & pack it.
Then you ship it. You go to the order Post -> Ship & Invoice.
It then adds the order total to the customer ledger entries so that customer now has a balance.
It also reduces your inventory by the amount you sold by creating Item Ledger Entries.
And all of that plus your costs then hit the g/l accounts.
If you think it should work differently or please describe your business procedures to us.
To make things clear:
1. You don't archive sales orders in order to "close" them. SO's are "closed" when they are released, shipped and invoiced - they are automatically deleted by NAV if shipped completely .
2. To "clean" your list of "open" SO's you delete them one by one - check each before deleting!.
3. To "clean" your "closed" (shipped & invoiced) SO's - if not deleted automatically - you run the "Delete Invoiced Sales Orders..." batch job.
4. The purpose of archiving SO's is to have a history of SO changes (versions) - for instance if you want to track order changes before the release - to clear a list of those run the "Delete Archived Sales Order Versions..." batch job.