Hey guyz,
I am having a slight issue updating a field in Purchase Invoice form.
The field is called "Amount Including VAT" (TAX). This field is located in the subform of Purchase Invoice. I would like it to be updated as soon as I enter "Quantiy" and "Direct Unit Cost Excl. Tax" or change either of those two fields. Right now, to update this field I have to release purchase documents everytime (which is pointless).
If anyone else had this issue before and could provide me with guidance as to how I can go about fixing this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
When I press F9, it opens another form (Purchase Invoice Statistics). In this form there is a field called "Amount Included VAT". If we are to drill down on this field. It opens another form called "Purchase Lines". This purchase Lines form has a field called "Outstanding Amount". This field seems to hold the value before it is inputted in the Amount Included VAT. So I was thinking about reading this value line by line and putting it in my Purchase Invoice form.
This seems like a very nooby question. Any suggestions how I can do this.
Basic Workflow would be:
1) GET Purchase Header
2) Drill down on Amount Included VAT
3) Read the value "Outstanding Amount". Line by line.
3) Input it to the "Amount Inlcluded VAT" in our Purchase Invoice subform.
It's works fine as you said when you release the order.
the other thing you mentioned it "You would like it to update".
I'm sure there are a ton of things people would "like" have happen but just beacuse it doesn't, doesn't mean you have to go around and change how the system was designed to work. When I hear "I would like it to do..." I assume this is purely visual for the user and not business related. You can train them on how the system works.
That's why I mentioned creating a new field where you do what you "like" without messing around with the integrity of the product.
Just my opinion.
And if you think the field "Outstanding Amount" holds the value you are looking for without the need of releasing then add it to the form if it's not visible already. then the users can look at that field instead of messing with AIV field.
I feel i'm wasting my breath and you will plow thru with whatever you want to change without thought to future problem & future upgrade problems.
The clients wants to be able to give a Amount Including VAT for the Purchase Document/Header BEFORE posting it.
Are you an end user or a partner?
If a partner, then you really should know all this.
If an end user, then talk with your partner. They are the ones that understand your system and your business and will be able to advise you the best way to proceed.
Well, I am not sure how to update the "Amount Included TAX" field without doing a release, that is why I am asking for suggestion or guidance so I can implement this for our client.
The question is not "HOW" the question is "WHY".
Sorry, if I caused confusion before.
The question is not "HOW" the question is "WHY".
You know how you don't know why.
any idea how i can fix it or implement it???
You have already figured out two answers that required no modifications.
1)F9 to see the PO Statistics
2)Release the order
Now you have to ask them why they don't want to do these things.
I am going to try debugging the code to see where in the release function it calculates the Amount Included VAT and try to implement that same functionality so the user doesnt have to realease the funds to see the updated amount.
Why are you researching code when you don't understand the business "requirement"?
Does releasing, reopening documents have any value according to you?