OLE Control or Automation server returned error(HRESULT)

nikeman77nikeman77 Member Posts: 517
hi all,

anyone ever faced this error message?

"this message is for C/AL Programmers:
an exception was raised in method name. the OLE Control or Automation server returned error(HRESULT) -2147352567.
the component did not provide the exception description."


  • ReinhardReinhard Member Posts: 249

    I get it for example if I am using Excel automation and have it open on my desktop AND I have a cell selected for editing.

    And in the post I just put up:

    Either way it's hard to tell without additional info on what the code that generated the error is trying to do.
  • nikeman77nikeman77 Member Posts: 517
    hi all,

    got it resolved already, basically i call create excel codes twice, one on the reports.ini, second one on dataitem post data item... ](*,)
  • kattelbachkattelbach Member Posts: 1
    I had the same error message " ... (HRESULT) -2147352567 ... " trying to export data from DynamicsNAV 4SP2 to Excel 2010.

    It may sound stupid but it was caused bij the textstring '=== ChapterHeader ==='

    Once I replaced '=== ChapterHeader ===' by '--- ChapterHeader ---' the problem was solved.

    Cheers, Johan 8) 8)
  • ReinhardReinhard Member Posts: 249
    Makes sense... formulas in excel start with a = sign so '====Chapter Header====' is basically an invalid formula.
    You can put a ' at the beginning to indicate to excel that it is not a formula, just text.
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