
Adv. Distribution upgrade from 2.00 to 2.60

RoelofRoelof Member Posts: 377
edited 2005-02-24 in Navision Financials

I would like to know the steps to upgrade an Advanced Distribution 2.00 database to 2.60 (as a temp. step to finally upgrade to 3.70).
The steps are basically:
- Restore 2.00 backup in 2.60 version.
- Import upgrade1.fob and run for duplicate names.
- import 2.60 object set (mods included).
- Import upgrade2.fob and run codeunit 104019, to update prospects.

But I don't see the additional upgrade steps for the Advanced Distribution part. The manual is not very clear in that.

Who can help me out?

Roelof de Jong.
Roelof de Jonghttp://www.wye.com
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