Error while exporting data from Data Migration

aps_mbsaps_mbs Member Posts: 141
Hi All

Following message appeared

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic
This message is for C/AL programmers:

Could not create an instance of the OLE control or Automation server identified by
Check that the OLE control or Automation server is correctly installed and registered.

What could be the reason
Please help



  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    this is MSComDlg.CommonDialog. you can google on why you cant instantiate it.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • GaborGabor Member Posts: 3
    Hi APS,

    I ran into the the same issue you described. Although you posted your question a year ago, I can provide you with a workable solution, if you still need it. The other comments are right, certain registry elements were not installed correctly (or at all) at installation.

    I went through the registry of another PC, on which NAV 2009 was also installed. I collected all the reg. items that resolve the issue regarding the data migration problems. If you give me your email address, I will send over the *.reg files (3 pieces), which you should import to the Win Registry. However, before you do it, make a complete backup of your current registry items, in case something goes wrong.

    BR, Gabor :shock:
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