If I want to use the online help for Navision 4.00 in the most cases a Windows - Message with the headline "Internet Explorer" appears ...
Something like that:
An ActiveX control on this site interacts with another contol on this site not in a secure way. Continue?
A window of the help opens and I can see the headline but not the content of the help after pressing F1. Now you can confirm the message or not. After that the content of the online Help appears.
Maybe it should not be a problem, because users don't read the help ...
I changed the security setup of the Internet Explorer, but without any success.
- Open a Command Prompt (from Start->Programs->Accessories or from Start->Run->cmd)
- Navigate (using the CD command) to Navision's Client folder (typically "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Client")
- Issue the command regsvr32 /u CompNotesHTML.dll
Good luck!
Microsoft technical support informed me today that this issue has been sent to development and no fix will be release until SP1.