Infinite loop on NAV sys.tables

bobvosedubobvosedu Member Posts: 5

Same issue descrided here (viewtopic.php?f=23&t=51157&start=0&hilit=dynamics+nav+infinite+loop+sys.tables), however the conclusion and the suggestion is partially correct!

The issue exists without having "@" (or any other specific char) in company name. Renaming company seems to be a solution for the issue, (as it also was in the referred post) but I'm not convinced at all, that the sympthoms will not repeat.

The abnormal behaviour is easy to capture without any code. I just opens Database > Info > Tables, set the filter on the company, jump to its last record and press Down arrow. On the last line table 3 Payment Terms appears. And by continuing it it scrolls over and over the tables.

No inconsistency is shown by database test, optimization doesn't help either.

Anybody has a clue what the reason?



  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    I cannot mimic your described behaviour.
    Could you give a bit more information, like version, and the companyname you filtered on?
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  • bobvosedubobvosedu Member Posts: 5
    I cannot really link this problem to version.
    Now we have NAV2009R2 client. We have NAV4 databases on SQL2K5, NAV2009 databases on SQL2K8.
    We have more databases from each "type", and I observed the same sympthom in most of them regardless their name or size or whatever else.
    The "stranges" characters in the company names are dots and numbers. We doesn't use country-specific letters either!

  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    Database > Info > Tables is simply a form displaying Table 2000000028 which is a subset of Table 2000000001 filtered for Type "TableData" and enhanced with some additional information.

    What happens here is that some record within the filter moves the pointer back to the beginning of the list.

    Check Table 2000000028. Create a new form for that table and preview it. Place no filter. Look for invisible characters, non existing objects, empty fields, anything out of the ordinary... Most probably it is the next record after the last one correctly displayed in Database > Info > Tables or it is your filter in combination with the company names.
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • bobvosedubobvosedu Member Posts: 5
    Hello Frank,
    This is wehre I started the analsys from some days ago, but no visible sign of any inconsistency.
    Then I went through the tables also in SQL. Nothing.

    (Have I mentioned already, that restoring full backup on native engine cleans the DB from that bug?)
  • bobvosedubobvosedu Member Posts: 5
    Hi There,
    I'm still looking for the solution on SQL.
    Anybody has any clue?
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