permissions to modify records in the reservation table entry

JoeITJoeIT Member Posts: 13
This is a task that the user has performed multiple times, but now they are receiving the attached error message,
Here is their description of what is causing the error:
I cannot lot select or remove lots from the item tracking line on a sales order.
I can lot select if I do not alter the quantity of the lot, however I cannot remove lots to change them to a different one if needed. I don’t know if I did something to change this, but the other email shows the quantity stuck in item tracking when it is removed it should be in undefined with quantity to handle and quantity to invoice.

At a loss here, none of her permissions were modified recently.


  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    check their permissions on tbl 337 & 336, it should allow 337: rimd , and 336 rimd all at least indirect.
    Check also the license.
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  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    doublepost was suprise.
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  • JoeITJoeIT Member Posts: 13
    I had added the "WM-R/PA/A/P/S" permissions which grants RIMD to 337 and 338 but to no avail.
  • JoeITJoeIT Member Posts: 13
    Figured out the issue, it was very difficult and time consuming.... The user was entering quantity in the QTY to handle column instead of Quantity Base column on the Item Tracking lines.
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