I would like to show in NAV a calendar of resources like CRM or Outlook but i think is not possible in actual version but perhaps, somebody know if this is possible or not. :-k
Possible yes.
Easy, I don't know.
But addins offer so much possibilities, a calendar synct with multiple accounts on Exchange should be among those possibilities.
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You need a Calendar .Net Control, (There are some out there that look like outlook ones) then you build a addin that uses that control and wraps it in a page. To push data from nav to the addin i recommend using xmlport, the xml as text can then be used as source of the addin.
This will consume quite a bit of time depending on your needs and skills in .net and the time learing about the control you eventually would purchase. So be aware of this.
BTW: What's the exact requirement? Is it realy a calendar you need or do you need to display a resources capacity? Then i would suggest a Gantt chart instead rather then a calendar.
They have around 800 resources in the company. Each resource is working in several projects at the same time and they would like to see them with a resources calendar like CRM. At first we thought in Dynamics CRM but a calendar solution in NAV seems a good idea. Perhaps with a calendar like Outlook would be enough but we are thinking some solutions.
We haven´t seen any types of calendars in RTC besides standars and i´m a little lost
Then the steps i wrote in my last post is the way for you to go, you need to do all by yourself.
I've done a similar thing for resource planning in the service department.
The Control i used is from exontrol.com i've evaluated lots of controls and this ones suited best for us.
There is a very good documentation over this control, they have lots of examples on their website and a good offline documentaiton. The Price is also very nice, and they have a full working evaluation version of the control. The control is called exg2antt (this is the editable gantt version, they have a non-editable/readonly version too)
How much do you know about .net in general and about addins? Have you already created an addin in the past?
Is i wrote for dataexchange i would create a xmlport that exports all the data you need. I've done 2 xmlports one for what i called "metadata" (data that doesn't change, like resource names), and actual data (your planning / allocation data).
Consider to use a timer in your addin to constantly (like every 2 min) the most recent data to have the ability to leave your page open.
I don´t know about .net a lot I have only know NAV C/AL. Really i´m a consultant. Thx for the info, i´ll try to read the documentation...
If i understand you well, you can create the addin for us? #-o First, I think I´ll read the documentation and if i need your help, i´ll contact you sure jeje
I'am sorry i can't create the addin for you this was a guide for a developer to do it. I would suggest to find a senior developer in your area who has experience in nav & .net. I think it's better to have developer on board who knows your solution, the clients environment, etc. But of course our comapany could create such an addin for you, if you can't do it on your own. If so contact me by pm, i will send you the contact information of our sales department)
Easy, I don't know.
But addins offer so much possibilities, a calendar synct with multiple accounts on Exchange should be among those possibilities.
This will consume quite a bit of time depending on your needs and skills in .net and the time learing about the control you eventually would purchase. So be aware of this.
BTW: What's the exact requirement? Is it realy a calendar you need or do you need to display a resources capacity? Then i would suggest a Gantt chart instead rather then a calendar.
A customer of us have this necessity.
They have around 800 resources in the company. Each resource is working in several projects at the same time and they would like to see them with a resources calendar like CRM. At first we thought in Dynamics CRM but a calendar solution in NAV seems a good idea. Perhaps with a calendar like Outlook would be enough but we are thinking some solutions.
We haven´t seen any types of calendars in RTC besides standars and i´m a little lost
I've done a similar thing for resource planning in the service department.
This is how it could look like:
This is perfect for us... The next question is, do you know some examples or documentation to do this calendar???
There is a very good documentation over this control, they have lots of examples on their website and a good offline documentaiton. The Price is also very nice, and they have a full working evaluation version of the control. The control is called exg2antt (this is the editable gantt version, they have a non-editable/readonly version too)
How much do you know about .net in general and about addins? Have you already created an addin in the past?
Is i wrote for dataexchange i would create a xmlport that exports all the data you need. I've done 2 xmlports one for what i called "metadata" (data that doesn't change, like resource names), and actual data (your planning / allocation data).
Consider to use a timer in your addin to constantly (like every 2 min) the most recent data to have the ability to leave your page open.
I don´t know about .net a lot
If i understand you well, you can create the addin for us? #-o First, I think I´ll read the documentation and if i need your help, i´ll contact you sure jeje
Your help was very very usefull!! If we need your help i´ll contact you with a pm
Thx very much!! :thumbsup: