I have a processing only report. Two indent dataset: item, Item Ledger Entry.
In "Item Ledger Entry" OnPreDataItem trigger there is three SETRANGE:
SETRANGE("Posting Date",DateFilter);
In "Item Ledger Entry" OnAfterGetRecord :
Exported := TRUE
So my target is mark exported every record in "item ledger entry" for each item when meet filter.
But strange think is that Nav after loop first record in "Item ledger entry" mark it but skip other record of same item
Seems MODIFY instruction change all records of specific item.
If remove Exported := TRUE instruction all work and it loop all records
Why this?
Just a happy frood who knows where his towel is
I want to change field exported for every record..
Why do you need Item Dataitem here?
Just a happy frood who knows where his towel is
In "Item Ledger Entry" OnPreDataItem trigger there is three SETRANGE:
In "Item Ledger Entry" OnAfterGetRecord :
Dataitem : Item
OnAfterGetRecord Trigger
The question is why do you use the data item instead of variable ?
Just a happy frood who knows where his towel is
Yes exactly if the purpose is only to modify record then why don't you use record var instead of dataitem.